
276 Audio Reviews

185 w/ Responses


I really liked the acid synth u used in the beginning...
the automation was great!
3:35 was my favorite tho :D
3:49 was just as awesome :D
it had a slow start... even for progressive....
but when it all came together it was great :D
would really appreciate i u returned the favor! thnx :D

DJ-Babokon responds:

lol Thanks so much! :D
No problem.

Keep doing what ur doing!

this is awesome :D
great job on automating the cutoff on the filter ... its a great effect.
2 suggestions:
1. bring out the piano and the pads more
2. at 2:33 i would have played chords on the saw lead... you know make it more dramatic... and to help finish of the song strong.
awesome piece! cant wait to hear more like this :D

yeajimmiboi responds:

Thanks for commenting mate :) I'll use those suggestions in the next track I make, thanks again :)


its so soft... but then BAM! when the piano comes in... it hits u with emotion
dude this is so chill...
i hope uve sent this to her by now haha

haha nice

hysterical... lol totally threw me off... haha
one suggestion.. it sounded a little bit over compressed or too loud in the beginning .. it caused a little bit of distortion... but this wasnt serious... so i really dont care :D

MattReeves responds:

Yeah, the problem is I made it at my friend's house, using a vst I don't have, so I just exported it as is, and emailed it to myself. If I hadn't been pressed for time, I probably would've made it at least decent.


ive wanted this song on my ipod for so long! and i showed this to one of my friends and he thought it was incredible! my favorite part is the tremolo picking :D its so beast! you guys are going somewhere! if you guys ever come and tour in pennsylvania! u better tell me! lol but that mite not happen for a while... since u guys live in where? hmmm... let me check ur myspace.....*back* u guys live in oregon... guess thats not gonna happen till u guys get a record deal -_-... god i feel like a creeper....

lol sorry... but anyway dude this is pretty inspiring! im trying to learn this calling by all that remains(by far my favorite metal band)... easy song cept im having a little trouble with solo... but i just started last nite so i gotta lot of time...ever listen to them? if not u better check them out!

and i tried the same recording method with my guitar and i got all this static and it sounded horrible :(... atleast i think i did... what did u use exactly? i plugged a spare guitar cable into the record out slot hole thingy... lol wow ... then put a 1/4 inch to 1/8 inch adapter on it and plugged it into the red mic input on my computer... audacity read it but there was a hell of alot of static

was talking to some pro audio dude at guitar center and he told me that my amp was probably too "hot"? i used a 30 watt amp.. when u recorded how many watts did u use?

i used a line 6 spider IV 30 watt amp... which is pretty awesome... only probably is that the eqing on it is a little weak

MattReeves responds:

Hahahaha, dude you should've just asked me for the song, and I would've gladly given it to you. But yes, if we tour, I will let you know. That is a ways down the road, but if we manage to land a sick record deal, I'll hit you up, haha.

Yes, I've listened to All That Remains. I actually saw them at Ozzfest a few years back. Good stuff.

Anyway, as for recording, I actually surprised myself. I used the most minimalistic method, and it somehow worked. I used a Crate amp (not sure of the wattage, I was borrowing it), and I plugged an instrument cable into the speaker output on the amp, then put the other end into the blue input on my computer (with a 1/4" to 1/8" converter). I'm not sure what that one is, line-in, maybe? Then I used a program called Reaper, which DESTROYS Audacity. You use it under a 30 day trial license, but when it runs out, it simply gives the OPTION to pay, rather an enforce it. Weird, I know. But I'm not complaining. Once I recorded to Reaper, I added a few effects, like a noise gate (For those chunky breakdowns), and an EQ, and then reverb and delay for the solo guitar. Then I rendered the guitar tracks as wav. files, and imported them into FL, where I added a few additional effects, such as more EQing, compression, ect. The bass was a soundfont, and the drums were a combo of custom samples, and Superior Drummer. And there you have it, my friend!


awesome! this has been on my ipod for a while... just wannted to tell u how awesome it is :D...btw! dude can u review my latest track? been dying for ur opinion! loved the ambience in this track :D


great song! loved the flute and wind instruments! very catchy lead
sounded like there was some overcompression in the beginning but that was only time :D so i really didnt care
ps return the favor?

Krussi responds:

Thanks alot, glad you liked it ^^
Yeah, I grew pretty tired with the mastering on that song (this happens alot xD) so I just let be as it was. Still got mastering issues :/

Anyhow, thanks alot for the review, the 10 and for the support :D



this would be perfect as well for the game ur describing.... its very ambient but the bassline is nice and gritty! the song has a great texture and loops very well!

MattReeves responds:



this wud go great in an rpg like assassin's creed(hands down one of my favorite games). Ever play that game runescape? no? dont waste ur time.... ive wasted to many hours playing that mediocre game. well this sounds like an amped up version of one the games 1000 songs..
really digged the flute... the drums are great like in every single one of ur songs...am i hearing a harpsichord?
great song... im glad ur making stuff again! make more!

MattReeves responds:

Hahaha, yes I have played Runescape. Those were some good memories. Complete with cheasy Midi music, haha. Anyway, no, that's not a harpsichord, it's some kind of guitar -- however, I may upload some other random stuff with a harpsichord. Also, I have been making plenty of music since my last upload, I just haven't really finished much. Thanks for the review!

pretty cool i must say

loved the suspense in the begining :D
not into much techno but this was good
2:03 was pretty cool i liked that

3 complaints tho
1.the bass line cud be a little meater... maybe more reverb on it would help
2.the melody seemed kinda random at times... kinda force.... add more instruments... create harmonies and chord progressions
3.nothing really speciall going on percussively... add a snare... made and open hihat.. bongos.... kettle drum would be great for this song :D

not shabby(lol shabby?!? wtf) for just begining .... im pretty impressed... my first couple songs were not this melodic
keep it up man! if u want me to review ur songs man just pm me :D id be glad to help u out

p.s. scare? come on man... will its appropriate... its kinda cliche... have a little more fun with ur song names man! try being artistic ..... u have great potentional

youtube.com/MrFijiWi ji

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